Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Victory to Jose Antonio

If you recall last week we helped a man on Well his name is Jose Antonio. He has reached his goal of $550.He needed the money to fix his house. To who ever helped him thank you very much. He will pay us the $25 back in 14 months. Sadly all of us will be in 6th grade.

Angela and Kiera

Friday, September 23, 2011

Helping People with is a website that lends people small amounts of money so they can improve their lives. This is called microlending.
The class split into teams and examined the different people on kiva. Each team presented to the class for which person should get the loan.
We decided on José Antonio from Ecuador who needed money to repair his house. We loaned him $25. He needs $350 more
If you would like to join us and help others you can go to

Wednesday, September 14, 2011