Friday, August 29, 2008

Funky Friday

Dear Classmates,
First the class did language arts and we looked up council, counsel, bale,and bail.Those are called homophones Then we did Student Council Speeches and Alex, Samantha and, Shelby won!!!! Secondly, we went to the Library and got a 4 because we were too noisy while we should have been reading. BOOO!
Then we went to awesome recess and played funky games. Then we wrote a page about what we're scared of or what we like! Those are personal essays.
After that we did the math test, and then we did silent reading!!!
Then we went to lunch and ate rib sandwiches and french fries. When we came back Mr.Miller read the book A Dogs Life.
Then we cut and glued models of the 3 layers of skin.

Alex and Dulce


Anonymous said...

i really liked today and i lovvved the post it was a new tittle and i liked the funk friday part

Anonymous said...

i love the tittle funky frieday it is something new and i loved silent reading

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Miller how's it going? I really enjoy being in your class. You're an awesome teacher!!!

Anonymous said...

to day was an awesome friday we now had to do the skin in sience it looked really hard but then I got th hang of it so today was the best friday ever