Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Busy, Busy Week

In class we listened to a pod cast from a class in Omaha. In their pod cast they told us about their city. So now in our class we are making a pod cast too. If you have any ideas about Tucson and only Tucson then please leave a comment and tell other people about it and tell them to leave a comment.
We did our final map test including the second and first quarter. A lot of us had to study really really hard to get 100%. We also had our concert for band,choir and orchistra. If you want to come and listen to them perform it is on a Wednesday night at 6:30 at Walker Elementary. If you go please leave a comment about what you thought of it.
In math we are learning about how to make pie graphs and percent. We are also studying how to make a fraction into a decimal and a decimal into a fraction. The steps to doing that is first you need a calculator to do it the easy way. Say you had a fraction like four tenths and then divide ten into four and then when you get your decimal and multiply it by one hundred.
In this last week of school, student council made three days called Spirit Days. On Monday it was Hawaii Day and on Tuesday it is Sports Day and on Wednesday it is Twin Day and also on Wednesday we have a pep assembly.
We also are close to finishing The People of Sparks by Jeanne DuPrau.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

It was busy but fun and when I
was on stage I was scared but it
all paed off.