Friday, October 22, 2010

Maya, Aztec and Inca Posters

This poster was rated a 1. It did not provide the information needed in a format that was readable and understandable. The graphics were not placed well. It looked unplanned.

This poster was given a 3. The information was weak but the graphics, organization, and presentation pulled it up. More facts about each category would have improved it.

This poster was given a 2. The information was given but the graphics were small and inaccurate. Some information was in the wrong place and it was hard to read.

Poster 2 was rated a 1 for missing information and putting in a format that was sloppy and hard to understand. There was no evidence of planning. It was missing information and the captions didn't tie into the pictures.
Poster 1 was rated a 3 for being colorful with large graphics. There was evidence of good planning. However most of the information was about the Maya ignoring the Aztecs and Inca.
Poster 3 was rated a 3 for good information on all three groups although some of it was repeated. It was colorful and attractive but the colors were not consistent throughout. The class preferred smaller pictures for each area as opposed to one large graphic.

To see the rubric used to evaluate these posters click Poster rubric

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