Today, our smartboard went out for a few hours. It made us think about what if we didn't have it in our classroom. Here are a few comments.
School would be boring without a smart board because we couldn't do all the fun stuff that we can do with a smart board. It takes more time to do stuff without
the smart board. That's not really smart. Also, what if you had to do a math box review. You wold have to draw every question and it takes a lot of time.
by Wes
School would be good without a smartboard because today the smartboard didn't work and we still did our geography test without the smartboard. Usually we use the smartboard for the geography test but we didn't and we still did our geography test. So I think people can work without a smartboard.
By Taylor
School without smart boards would be the same. We would use whiteboards and we would have more computers and projecters . It would be odd at first but we would get used to it. And it would save money. Reading and social studies would be the same. We would just use a projecter and it would save money.
By Kriss
What do you think?
Like seeing what other kids around the world were writing
Like voki
Seeing other class videos
Like feeding the fish
Like how other countries could see our blog
Like learning about other's hobbies and what they liked about school
Like commenting to other people around the world
Different people have different backgrounds
Saw science experiments that they did
Learned about different teachers
Today we watched a video about a Mathemagican. He did really cool stuff like....He would have random people in the audience tell him their birth month and year and he would tell them the day of the week they were born on and he got all of them right!! Also, today we went to Art and we did lines such as angles, dots, dotted lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, and vertical lines.
We are still working on our book trailers. We saw a really good one for Gregor the Overlander. In math we worked on divisibility rules.
This week on Monday we got to go to art,on Tuesday we went to computers ,we went to P.E on Wednesday,yesterday we went to music and then today we went to library. We also got to meet our new buddies. Today we met our buddies and did a project with them called Making Bio-cubes. That's our week.
Today was the first day of school. I love my class so far. Mr. Miller is an awesome teacher. A lot of my friends from last year are in my class this year. I have also met new friends. Today we introduced ourselves to the class. We also made Alliteration poems. It was a very good day and I think I'm going to have a good last year at Walker. :)
Welcome to our class blog.My intent is for it to be an ongoing interactive journal of the happenings in Room 25. It will be a daily (or almost daily) recap of our day at school. Parents can see what we did at school that day, students who were absent can begin to catch up on any work they might have missed - the possibilities for two-way communication are endless. Best of all, the blog will be entirely written by you, the students of room 25.This is a tool we can have a lot of fun with. It is a tool of the 21st century-maybe unlike anything you've used at Walker before. We will be able to give each other comments and feedback on our work. People all over the world will be able to see what we do. Do you have relatives who live outside of Tucson? Well, now they can keep up with what you're doing. Communication will be 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and all over the planet.
If you'd like some advice from last year's fifth graders click here.
We have a twitter and a Facebook page also. Check those out with the links on the right side of the page.