Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mrs. Daley's Buddy Class

Today we met our buddy class for the first time. They are second graders. Here are some of the things we enjoyed most.

I really liked when we went and got our buddy's I got a girl she is really smart,and I also got one of my friends with me I also liked when we played addition top it.

I was very shy when we they were playing The A For Alliteration video my friend is also with me and my buddy, Brianna. My favorite part of buddy class was when they played our A For Alliteration. And when we played the math game because my buddy was very smart.

When we went to buddy class,everyone sort of went crazy!Everyone teamed up with their friends,...well almost everyone.The thing is when your older little people look up to you.My buddy is better at math than I am.But she doesn't like math,isn't that weird.
Well my favorite part was when we played addition top-it.It was really cool.That's where my buddy Kimberry beat me at the game.

We had buddy class today and my favorite part was when I got to know witch buddy I was going to get.I got a girl named,Chase.She is very fun to be with.We also play Top-it.I was very shy when my teacher,Mr.Miller,played the A is for Alliteration poems because I am the THIRD one!

Well my favorite part in buddy class was when we played top-it addition math game and when I found out that my buddy was My friend Kalea's little sister.


Anonymous said...

today for the first time and always we went to buddy class we also had two test we had the map test and we had the five sences test too so I think that today was a really busy day so back to the buddy talk the buddy's where in Mrs.Daley's class but my buddy was so nice to me when we play games

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of buddy class was that I got a girl that rids the bus with me.She is really nice and funny.I really like her.

Anonymous said...

I really like our buddy class:)

Anonymous said...

yah i really like that we get a smaller buddy plus my buddy is be on smart ;)

Anonymous said...

Our book that were reading is strange.It goes sad to happy to sad on an on an on.Right now its at a happy part.

Anonymous said...

I liked are buddy class. I think ms.Daily's class is going to like her because when i had her she was very nice and she used gave us an ice cream bar every Friday and a candy.

Anonymous said...

my favorite part of buddy class was that I got a girl it was really fun because we played grab-It additon:)!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi when we had buddy class we clould do what ever we wanted but somethimes we had work:). Also I lie your guys blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!